The Evergreen Connection of High Performance Separation Techniques with Science and Technology


An ever-increasing number of technological processes and analytical methodologies require the selective separation of chemical compounds occurring in complex mixtures and matrices, either of natural or synthetic origin. Most of the methods employed for this purpose employ high performance separation techniques, which include chromatography, either in gaseous or liquid medium, and a variety of techniques based on the differential migration velocity of the mixture components under the action of either an electric or a gravitational field. These separation techniques comprise electrophoresis, electrochromatography, field-flow fractionation, and ultracentrifugation. Together with chromatography, separation techniques are continuously object of investigations in the area of separation science, aimed at improving separation performance and at developing new applications.

The Journal of Chromatography & Separation Techniques provides a forum for reporting and discussing the frequent up-to date of knowledge in separation science and is expected to ensure the needed current information on the recent advancements in this field. Further innovations in high performance separation techniques are expected in all scientific and technological areas. Nevertheless, life science and the quite young -omic sciences, which include genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, and phytomics are at the forefront.


Journal of Chromatography and Separation techniques is a peer-reviewed (refereed), academic, open-access, international scientific journal which provides a global scholarly platform to scientists, academicians and researchers to disseminate knowledge in the form of critical and informed articles related to separation science. If you are investigating on such novel and innovative areas of separation science then kindly consider contributing it to our upcoming issue Volume 12| Issue 1 (2021). Join hands with the Journal of Chromatography and Separation techniques in disseminating knowledge to the tertiary end users for the overall development in the field of separation science.

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Managing Editor,
Journal of Chromatography and Separation Techniques